2002.1.21  10:34:00 AM      閱讀21127次

   哈智脫維善先生(1919-1990) 為中華回教博愛社主席,原籍廣東番禺,出生於一伊斯蘭教家庭,曾任第七屆全國政協委員、香港國際伊斯蘭聯會主席、九龍清真寺籌建委員會主席、以及本會所屬各中小幼學校校監等職。

  哈智脫維善先生畢生獻身宗教,曾為本港及國內伊斯蘭教教胞之團結聯繫做過不少工作,故深受國內外教胞愛戴 。此外,更致力推動本港教育及社會公益事務,對六宗教領袖座談會工作之參與,尤表關注 。

  Biography of the Late Haji Kasim TUET (l919-1990)

  Haji Kasim Tuet has been the Chairman of the Chinese Muslim Cultural & Fraternal Association. His homeland is Pun Yu of Guangdong Province. He was born to a Muslim family. Haji Tuet had served as a committee member of the Seventh National Political Consultative Council, the Chairman of the Hong Kong International Islamic Society, the Chairman of the Working Party for the Construction of Kowloon Mosque and the Supervisor of the secondary schools, primary schools, primary schools, primary schools and kindergartens operated by our Association.

  Haji Tuet had devoted his life to his religion. He had made much effort in liaison work between the Muslim compatriots of Hong Kong and China. He is, therefore, well-loved by Muslims within and without China. Besides, Brother Tuet was also enthusiastically involved with education and social welfare in Hong Kong. He was particularly zealous in the promotion of the work of the Colloquium of Six Religious Leaders of Hong Kong.



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